Botox and Dermal Fillers


Botox and Dermal Fillers

Botox and Dermal Fillers

Botox Treatment reduces the activity of the muscles that cause wrinkles such as frown lines, worry lines and crow’s feet. This treatment works by temporarily blocking the signals from the nerves to the muscles, thereby reducing muscle movement and causing wrinkles to relax and soften. Dermal filler & Botox Treatment is also used by experienced injectors to lift areas of the face and extend the life of some dermal filler applications.

First, most of the fillers plump and lift the skin gently to replace collagen loss caused by the natural aging process. Secondly, most of the fillers also stimulate the body to produce its own natural collagen; some help more than others. Physicians use dermal fillers in a variety of ways to lift features of the face, correct wrinkles and to restore smoothness and volume to the skin.